Monday, February 27, 2012

Drawing Closer to Christ....

As so many are talking about LENT ...   I have been reading and asking God to show me/us what He would have us "give up" for Lent.

 "The season of Lent is said to last forty days, though if you look at a calendar it actually spans more than that. In fact, even today, various traditions count the days differently. In general, though, the forty days of Lent begin on the seventh Wednesday before Easter and runs up to Maundry Thursday (the day before Good Friday) without counting any Sundays in between. But the point of Lent, or any other time of spiritual focus, shouldn't be to follow a set of prescriptions and rules, it should be to seek a deeper understanding of and commitment to God." ~ Arnold Ytreeide 

Several of my friends and I were talking about Easter and preparing... they haven't heard much of Lent....  

The point of Lent, or any other time of spiritual focus, shouldn't be to follow a set of prescriptions and rules, it should be to seek a deeper understanding of and commitment to God. It's not a time to check off days on a calendar it is a time to rend your heart, to do some spiritual house cleaning, to take a long, hard look at what's inside you. A time to allow God to show you the work He is ready to do in your life. 

Giving up something for Lent is one traditional way to observe this season. Sometimes people choose a sin or bad habit to give up, following the theme that Lent is a time to repent. Sometimes people choose to give up something pleasurable, like candy, following the theme of denying yourself for the sake of Christ. One specific form of this is to fast during Lent limiting yourself to one meal a day during the week with no meat or fish.  ~ Arnold Ytreeide

I am waiting for my copy of "A Place at the Table" to come in.
The kids and I will be doing several things to observe the 40 days of Lent.  Our Way of the Light Wreath~ Cradle to the Cross.    I love this wreath. Counting the days... as we prepare our hearts.
I love this time of year.... Easter..  is my favorite time of year... even more then Christmas.  For us... Easter time... everything focus' around JESUS.  

How about you?  What do you and your family do this time of year?  How do you celebrate His Resurrection? 

I would love to hear. 

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  1. I've only begun observing Lent in the past couple years. This year I am doing the book A Place at the Table and am giving up my indulgences - drinking only water and tea, eating very plain, simple meals and once a week our family is eating a rice and beans type meal.

    It's been fantastic so far, and I'm learning a lot. I like the discipline and challenge of it and also the spiritual focus it gives me.

  2. Love the quotes! I really need to start preparing my kids for Easter since Kaley is getting older. Of course, they know the story but right now that's about it...any suggestions? Love ya, Laurie
