This past week has been crazy. Our computer is still in the shop..... so I am at the church. We are in revival.... so a quick update!
Mandi had a blow out with her car on Monday (the day after we came back from Florida). So we spent the day fixing all that.....
Then on Tuesday .... Wesley (our youngest, who is 6) fell off the trampoline. He fell through where 3 of the strings had come off.... we believe he hit the bar. We also believe it knocked him out. Wyatt came in to get me..... Wes was very pale when I got to him. We brought him in... and he said his head was hurting. He didn't remember what happened and that really scared me. He also fell asleep for a few minutes.... I kept waking him. When he started throwing up I knew that he probably had a concussion so I put him in the van and we headed for the ER. They did a CT scan ... which show bruising on the brain with some swelling. Our doctor called and talked to me and said that he needed to be transported to Atlanta to the children's hospital there.... just in case he needed surgery. He said he would pray (yes, our doctor is a christian). IF surgery was needed they would drain it. It was scarey. I rode with him in the ambulance.... Atlanta is about a 3 hr drive. We made it there in a little over 2 hrs.
Michael called..... and told me that Amber and him would meet us in Atlanta. Dh stayed at home w/ the rest of the kids. I didn't have a tooth brush, clothes, phone charger... bible... nothing! Dh packed me a bag and waited to hear what the next step would be. The neurologist came in... said they would rescan in the morning. He was hooked up to all the monitors. He did great... didn't cry when they put in the IV port.....
He did tear up when Amber & Mike walked in...... and then cried with me.... when we were alone in the room.... around 1:30am... saying he wanted Wyatt & Alyssa and to go home.
The next morning... he woke up saying "I love hotel food!" LOL~ They let him eat and he didn't throw it up!!! Around lunch they took us down for the scan. He did great in the scan. Afterwards they let us go to the place (in the hospital) called the Zone... and he was able to sit in a race car.... play putt putt..... and sit in a baseball glove chair. It was really a great hospital.
Around 3pm we received the results that said the scan looked good... and we could go home!
YAY! God is faithful.
Will you pray with me..... it is very important that he doesn't hit his head again.... for atleast 2 wks.... or LONGER.
We took the trampoline down.
I am so thankful he is ok. I appreciate so many of you praying. FB,twitter, & text is such a great thing... to get out prayer needed.
I am still reading lots of blogs on my blackberry.... and keeping up with all of you. Just can not post unless I am here at the church or somewhere that has a computer.
I have lots to share but not much time.....
May the Joy of the Lord be yours...
What a scare you had
ReplyDeletethe head is the one thing we don't want to mess with
I hate trampolines...I could tell you all the reasons...but they are just close to the reason you experienced.
I will lift him up (o:
thanks for your comments at my place
when you can (o:
What a scary time - and what a wonderful answer to prayer Teena. I'm so grateful he is all right.
ReplyDeleteUgh, what a fright!! He sounds good now, praise the Lord!!
We have a trampoline and it is always my biggest fear that one of the kids will get seriously hurt. I see how much fun they have on it but I'm always worried.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad your little guy is ok.
ReplyDeleteHow scary!! I'm glad that everything turned out ok!! Our trampoline is off limits at this point cause the net has bit the dust. We don't use the trampoline without a net. While it was still up and pretending to be a net, Hope fell against it and ended up on the ground on her head. Fortunately everything was way better than what happened with your Wesley (she was fine). That was the last of playing on the trampoline until we can buy a new net!!
I will definitely pray for Wesley cause it's darn near impossible for a boy to not hit his head on something!!! And two weeks is gonna seem like two years!! :-) Yeah, I know how those boys are!!
Anyway, glad that everything is ok!!