Dakota with my sister, Michael & Mandi~ 1993 9 mons.
Dakota being an angel in the Christmas Nativity~ 1995 2 1/2 yrs old Our third child... second son.... Dakota Lee is 17 today. Wow, I can not believe it... where has the time gone? This time next year he will be almost finished with our home schooling journey... he will turn 18... and will soon start college. This is a milestone.... soon to be a memory....
This will be my third home schooling graduate.... wow.... my heart grows sad as I think about all we have shared.... I rejoice too.... I think back on so many memories... and wish that I would of grabbed hold of just a few more.....
I am so thankful for Dakota. He came into our life when the world thought we were crazy. My dh had been laid off from his civilian job.... when we found out that we were expecting. Our parents who were all alive then (all have died now) thought we were completely crazy. Some were even angry. We already had a son... who was 8 at the time and a daughter who was 4. You know the perfect family... one of each.... why would we want more they would ask. But God in His great wisdom... knew before the foundation of the world that we would have a son.... and we would name him "Dakota." He was our first Georgia baby... Michael & Mandi were military babies.. born in Calfornia. He was also our first baby with our new doctor..... (whom we still see and love today...) who is a wonderful christian doctor. Dr. Reese has always supported our beliefs and that children are a blessing from God.
Dakota was our third c-section baby. All of my six children were delivered by c-section. Dr. Reese told us after our youngest that it would be fine if we wanted another (that is a another blog entry!) Looking for pictures I can not find many on my computer of his baby days......
Dakota (4 yrs) w/ Alyssa (2 wks)1997~

2003~ 8 yrs old ....
He has really changed in the last few years. He is almost a man.... the changes in him are awesome. I see how the Lord is growing him.... Dakota struggled some through the younger years (14-15) with some anger. I am seeing how God has molded and shaped him.... I see how he is resting more in God... even though he may not understand at times.... he can trust God because He knows God is faithful.
Dakota loves music. He started playing the drums when he 13. He nows plays in both worship services on Sunday plus on Wednesday night in our youth praise band. He has also learned guitar and leads occassionally in the praise band. It amazes me at how God has blessed him with this gift.

This was in 2008..... 15 yrs old.
Like I said when we were so excited about having another baby and our parents... didn't understand..... and now 17 yrs later...... he is such a blessing. My dad LOVED him. He was so proud of Dakota. My dad loved music, loved trying to play the guitar. Dakota didn't start playing the guitar till after his Papa (my dad) died (July 2007). He now plays his Papa's guitar. It is the one in the picture above. Our Michael plays his Papa's electric guitar. My dad would be so proud. They loved their Papa.... and he loved them. My mom would always joke and say "Dakota was her favorite!" Billy's parents loved him too.... Dakota brought so much joy to their lives and he brings so much to ours....
Dakota ~ Feb. 2010~ 16 yrs old

I am so thankful that God blessed us with Dakota.... and three more after him.... even though the world thought we were crazy.....
Aren't our guys the best? I just love watching them grow up and into fine young men!! Boys, even though they are dirty most of their lives, stink the other half and wrestle constantly with siblings for "fun" are the best!! Aside from the girls that is :-)
ReplyDeleteRejoicing with you!
What a great tribute to your sons BD. He is a handsome guy (o: Have you noticed that big families are totally in now? When my sister had 4 kids in the early seventies...everyone kind of looked down on that. Over Population or some such thing. Now everyone is moving to the farm and having 6 or more and it is the 'IN' thing. I agree that they are a blessing and Gods gift...I am just bringing up the difference in the times (o: