Friday, April 20, 2018

All My Words.

Looking back..... I have blogged here at blogspot for over 11 years. I spent some time this morning reading back over some of my post through the years. A lot has changed through the years.

When I a started this blog in Jan 2007 - both of my parents were still living. My youngest was 3.5 years old and my oldest was 21.

Time moves on.....

I am so thankful that I have shared our journey here.

Over the years I have struggled with how much to share ~  but, wanting to always be real. I read a book by Karen Ehman called Zip It. It is a 40 day challenge to choose kindness~ to choose our words wisely. Karen talks about what we text or write too... not just what we speak. 💗

I love words. 💛

With all of our computers woes the passed few years I have blogged less.... but, I still love it and plan to continue journalling here. I love Instagram. Its like a mini blog. I've been on Instagram since 2012. Lots of words in these places of mine. May I always choose my words carefully!

I would love for you to leave me a comment ...sharing how long you've been reading here at my place!

Before a word is on my tongue You, Lord know it completely.
 Ps. 139:4

Grace, Teena


  1. 11 years! Wow - that makes me wonder how long I've been blogging. I know I started my family blog when my girls were very young and they are now 11 and 13, so I bet it's been at least 10 years.

    I don't know how long I've been reading your you remember when me first got connected?

    1. Jill, I think it was through Compassion in 2011?? Not sure though. Doing Compassion Sunday this coming Sunday and as always I am nervous!! Hugs
