Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Compassion Sunday.

This coming Sunday.... May 4th is Compassion Sunday.  This will be my second time doing Compassion Sunday at GracePointe.  I am excited and a bit nervous. It amazes me how many people at GracePointe sponsor!  GracePointe is small....  about 250 people.....

Last year 13 children were sponsored.   The theme/topic this year is "I am here for you."  We have several new families so  I want to explain how Compassion works but I also want to key in on how it really does make a difference in the life of the child and how very important it is to write.

Could you pray for me?  Will you pray that God would lead the people at GracePointe to sponsor a child?



  1. Just prayed and will continue to do so. Just share your heart - and leave the rest up to God! You are doing your part in sharing... God will bring in the harvest.

    You will do great - even if you are just planting seeds or encouraging current sponsors. Last year, we had 0 sponsorships at our Compassion Sunday. I had to trust that there was more going on than I could see.

    This year we will do our CS on June 8th - share about our trip to Thailand.


  2. I know you & know you will go amazing! This is a part of you & your heart that I know you will deliver wonderfully! :)
