Friday, January 04, 2013

Putting it all in Perspective~

So to be totally honest.... the first day of this NEW year I was pretty down. I know better...  I look for the good....  I count my grace gifts.... but I was heavy....   some little things, some big things...

When I went to get in the shower.....  NO shampoo. Everyone was asleep....  so I couldn't scream for someone to come.....   I know silly to stress over....  plus the dooming diet ... because I have gained....  oh and the bigger things....   one of my children seem to be going the wrong way...  no reasoning or  pleading with fix it.  Only God.

I take my bible, new journal... gratitude journal to the swing... to be quiet for a few minutes.

About twenty minutes later....  the youngest comes running from the mail box... hands waving...
"Two letters! Two Letters!"

I told him to go get his other brother and sister....

One was from Neema (our Grace girl).... first letter since we transferred her to our account from Mandi's account. What a sweet letter. She told us her mom's name and her older sister's name...  she told me that on the map I sent....  she does NOT live in Kenya but in Tanzania! She even drew a picture of Uganda, Kenya & Tanzania ... and where Kenya is she put "not here" and then where TZ is she put "here."   Hahaaha. She doesn't write on her own....  the translator writes for her. I just love her!
The other letter was from our Erik! Oh my, oh my.... it was really two letters in one! What a surprise!

Erik is from Bolivia. He writes the best letters... long and full!

some of the highlights of his letter:

Dear friend Teena Price:
I greet you in the name of our loved Jesus Christ. I am very happy for the stickers you sent. I will keep these in a special place. When I am sad I read the letters and see the photos and I feel happy and I thank God for putting you in my path, my sister felt happy too and thanks you for remembering her, she felt happy with the stickers of the dogs and ponies, she loves ponies because she was sad for don't getting a letter.  When I told her there were stickers of pony she felt happy and she thanks you very much. I thank you too for remembering my sister, thanks I am very happy. Thank you very much for the present you sent to me, I bought sport clothes and a t shirt and socks. I had a very good time in my birthday with my best friends Joseph, Roberto, Gino, Paolo, Rivaldo, we played ball. My mother prepared a tasty pizza and was so delicious that I ate many pieces, the time went by very fast and it was fun. I ask your prayers for my sister Marisabel, she has a cyst and is in treatment and that makes us worry and my mother is very sad and asks God to cure her soon. Thanks and regards, may God bless you. Erik 
I wonder about the cyst he tells us about.....   please pray with us ....

Receiving two letters from two children in third world countries ... helps me to put things into perspective. I am so thankful for these Compassion children that need the HOPE we give....  the relationships we build... with each of them is so rewarding... it fills my heart.

Do you sponsor a child? You could start this New Year off right.....  believe me giving HOPE to a child.... brings you so much HOPE.

Thanks for letting me share~

Grace~ Teena

1 comment:

  1. Erick's letter is really sweet! I will be praying for his sister. Perhaps you could call Compassion and ask about her.
