Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How Real Is It?

I shared with all of you that last week I was following the Compassion Bloggers as they went to Tanzania.  I love following and reading when bloggers make these trips with Compassion International  because.... it breaks me open, reminds me over and over why I speak out on behalf of the children...   and... honestly....

it makes it MORE real! 

Please take a few minutes and read some of the stories....   watch some of the video clips. Even if you do not sponsor a child through Compassion International... take a few minutes and read how others  live in poverty AND PRAISE GOD IN ALL THINGS.

One blogger shared about meeting her sponsored child (teenager) whose name was Topiwo.. He is 15. She shared how they went to visit his home....  and he lives in a mud hut. She shared how on the outside of his home ... he had written the words of the 23rd Psalm.

He lives in a mud hut.....  and on his house is ...

"The Lord is my Shepherd... I have everything I need."

To read the whole story.....  go over to Nester's blog and read about Topiwo... it is so worth it!

Another thing that Nester shared that spoke volumes to me was... something Topiwo aunt shared with her...

She talked and talked and told us how Compassion has helped their family over the last seven years, and oh my goodness this is the part where I tried to hold back tears. That area of Tanzania has experienced drought so Compassion has supplied the family with food. Maasai live off the land so they are immediately affected by drought. Even though Topiwo is the one sponsored, Compassion visits the home of all their children (his last home visit was in April) and they assess any needs of the family because they want to make sure that no one goes without food and basic health care.

When you sponsor through Compassion International....  you sponsor ONE CHILD but their WHOLE family benefits! Isn't that amazing!  I just love this! How great is that? 

We step out in faith to change a child's life.... and they change our life! God is faithful!

You can change a life today.... just like Topiwo's life is changed forever!

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