Thursday, July 21, 2011

Testing the waters.... our new normal.

Would you take a few minutes and let me know that you stopped by....  

Haven't heard from anyone in a little bit.  Wondering about this blog....    I talk lots about Compassion now so I have lost some.  I guess talking less about the details of our life...   more on how God is doing a work in me... to reach out more.  

Kind of weird to me too.   I am realizing that this new way of life is even impacting our daily life...   not JUST the blog world.

So if you are here for the first time... will you let me know?  Or if you are a regular lurker....   or if you are a regular commenter.   Yes, I know this may seem strange to some. 

Like I said....    new waters for me...  just testing them.

Change the World~ One child at a time~ sponosor a child today!


  1. Anonymous3:47 PM

    You could categorize me as a "regular lurker" :) I love reading your blog and you're a huge inspiration to me!
    God bless,

  2. I just stopped by. I have been really behind on blog reading, but thought I'd let you know I was here. Like all of the blogs in my Google Reader, I read them but don't always stop and leave a comment.

  3. Hello my dear...I'm here : )

  4. I'm here, friend. Thinking about you and praying for you. ((hugs))

  5. Anonymous10:32 PM

    You're on my popular list.

  6. Hi Teena! I'm one of the regular lurkers! Hehehe! I read you in my google reader so don't always stop by to comment. I read the compassion stuff, interested in your life. I supposed I comment more on the personal stuff though....

  7. too! I found that this post confirmed something for me, people shy away from commenting on post that are rich in thought and passion. They seem to comment more on the daily life and fluff. Not sure why? Your post are great and full of compassion and your heart.

    Your Wesley is so cute and 8,wow! Our Wesley is 4. Thanks for stopping by our blog and your sweet comment. Our oldest Elizabeth is 19, time moves so fast! I'm am enjoying each stage baby to young adult, I never would have thought I would have children with this age range :-)

    Blessings to you~

  8. Teena,
    Not a lot of time for the computer still but just want you to know that I do pop in from time to time--just don't always have time to leave a comment. Please keep sharing what is on your heart to encourage and exhort us sweet friend!! <3

  9. Hey Teena,
    I'm finally getting caught up on all the blogs that I regularly follow, along with all my e-mails and other computer stuff. We were gone for about 6 weeks and I got so far behind. Anyway all that to say that even though I don't comment very often I do read your blog all the time. I so enjoy hearing all that is going on in your life and your in family.

    I've been thinking about you a lot lately as I've been thinking about coming to Atlanta once again for the MOBILE conference, the same one I was there for last time. If I do make it that way I'm hoping that we can connect, seeing you last time was one of the biggest highlights of my time there.

    Love ya,
