Friday, July 09, 2010

How He is changing me....

God has been changing me.... its been hard to figure out or understand. I think I can finally see glimpses of what He is doing.

We have home schooled for 20 yrs. I love it, enjoy it and believe it is what God has called our family to do. We have 6 children and 1 daughter in love. For many years I was in the "survival mode" raising them and sharing with other moms.... having a baby in my lap... arms, bed and at my feet.

My children are now.... 25 (Amber 26), Mandi 21, Dakota 17, Alyssa 12, Wyatt 8 & Wesley 7 (on Wed.)

God has been changing me over the course of this last year.... years ago I heard Dr. Dobson say that we all have different seasons of our life. I didn't really like that statement. I wanted to always have littles at my feet.... I know I am very blessed and God hasn't blessed us with any more children. Well, not children that I have birthed.....

I am 48.... and I truly believe that my pregnancy years are behind me. I would of loved for God to bless us with more children.... but He didn't so I thought.

Isn't it wonderful how His ways are not our ways....

so as I have shared with you before we met a group of children Oct. 2009 and our lives will never be the same. They came to our church and then we would find out where they were going to be and we would surprise them. Several thought we were crazy... but it was changing us and them.... we fell in love with these children.... but so much more than that... God opened our heart to see a small glimpse of the mission field. Most of the children we met were orphans living in poverty but by child sponsorship they were being rescued.

Several of the children and me.... Nepal, Phillippines and Uganda represented in this picture

A few of the things they would say to us ...

don't forget me
do you have pictures of JUST me?
when will I see you again?

We have sponsored a child through Compassion for over two years. We write him and he answers.... he is from Indonesia and his name is Ucok. He is learning about Jesus and being rescued from poverty.

But I have shared before about the Children of the World and Compassion.... this is about HOW God is changing me....

during our time seeing this choir the children would hug, smile, giggle and laugh when we surprised them! One little girl from Uganda... named Jamira seemed to attach herself to me. "Auntie Teena, Auntie Teena.... (as she patted my hair) you will come again...?" *

It all became so much more REAL to me. REAL.

They have all returned to their own countries now.... most of them we will not see again until heaven. The children we met were from Nepal, Phillippines & Uganda. One of the chaperones is from Nepal and one is from the Phillippines. We do keep in touch with the chaperones and the leaders. We are all friends, praying for one another, encouraging one another.....


I am reading "Radical" by David Platt. We are so comfortable in America. Just yesterday I read a blog post by Kristen that spoke volumes to me... "When Jesus Isn't Enough." A few days ago I was reading over at Ann's blog.....

I have two more children added to my 6 now..... two sponsored children. I hope one day I can go with the Compassion team to Indonesia and meet Ucok. The way Kristen meet her sponsored child in Kenya.

I will tell you about my other sponsored child.... in my next blog post.... stop by.*

May the God that ministers to the orphans around the world minister to you today.

Alyssa playing "Go Fish" with some of the children from the choir.

Kristen's blog post will not work... no matter how many times I try. grrr so the link is and scroll down till you see "When Jesus Isn't Enough."

Ann's blog post will not work either... I am sure it is something I am doing. ugh so here is the link.... scroll down till you see the post with the words "heart sore."


  1. thanks for sharing Teena.

  2. Oh my friend! I totally get it! For me it is three in my home, five in heaven's nursery and another 8 who I hold in my heart as another holds their hands (my foster children who have moved on). They will always be 'my kids' and I know God has many more for us as the years go I wait and pray. My mission field is on my front doorstep but so needy all the same! (((HUGS))) - Deedee

  3. This is wonderful Teena. The part about what the children would say to you nearly made me cry. Especially the one about "Do you have pictures of just me." That touched my heart. How many little ones just want to be loved, held, made to feel special. What a great thing you are doing.
