Twice a year... we get together with several other families and go camping. We have done this for about 15 yrs.

In 2000 we bought a pop-up camper. It is a big one... for pop-ups. It has two king beds, a couch that lets out to a bed and the table sleeps two small children. We have enjoyed it lots through the years. It is starting to .... break.... oh you know the top is dry rotting... the refrig. will freeze your food.... mice decided to get in there when it was closed up.
So this past Oct... we pulled out the tent and decided to *tent* camp. One of our friends brought a couple extra foam pads and mattresses... so it was really nice.

This time we decided to do the tent thing again..... well, it dropped down to around 48 at night. I forgot to bring the little space heater... my back hurt really bad.... the boys tossed and turned all night.....
We seriously thought of selling our pop-up. This week we set it up to get it ready to sell... and my heart was heavy. My little boys went in there last night.... and Wesley said "mom, why do we have to sell it.... when I go in there the smell reminded me of old times."
My older children remember camping through the years.... they would play capture the flag, sardines.... in the dark (with flashlights). We would always have a fire... with roasted marshmellows, smores and a few years ago... a friend showed us how to make "dough boys." You roast a biscuit on your stick.... then fill it with squirt butter and jelly. Several play their guitars. This time was just the same.... only several of our olders are grown and now the younger ones are following....

Hopefully.... many more years in making memories......... of course that can happen with the camper or tent.... or just a picnic in the backyard.

We love camping too.
ReplyDeleteGreat memories. We have the ancient pop up....that is falling apart. We also bought a trailer with our Son and I love it. It is like a motel. No it is not fancy but it has a Bathroom and I will never go back to the outhouse...in freezing night time weather. The only other upgrade is a radio...which I can do without, but hubby likes. I pray we will never be the old couple with the TV and all that jazz in the trailer. We still have outside campfires to sit by and I love that.