Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Letters from Our Compassion Children!

I haven't forgotten our Compassion children!  Never!  Our letters have been sent this month.... We write every month.

We have received several letters lately! My children will come in with the mail ... saying.... "we have a letter, we have a letter!"

The newest one was from Neema. She is from TZ.  She was sponsored by our oldest daughter, Mandi when Mandi was in Kenya. Last year Mandi was in between jobs and could no longer sponsor Neema. So, we discussed it and Dakota decided he would financially support Neema and Lysa & I could write her! How cool is that?  Neema will be 7 on September 8th. She has been in our family for almost three years!

In her letter was a picture! That is usually not common with our African sponsored children! The picture is of Neema, her mother and sister. She was thanking us for our family gift. We collect our "change" in a jar and at the end of the year we spend it to our sponsored children as a family gift. When you send a family gift 100% goes to the family. It can be life changing....  can you tell what Neema, her mom & sister bought?!
Neema and her family bought a couch and a cushion! How cool is that? Look at their beautiful smiles. Never forget the difference you are making in your sponsored child's life.

We also received a letter from Erik... he is our boy in Bolivia. Our friend Kees is still there and so he sees him often.  Erik is so sweet with his letters. He told us to pray for his mom.. that she works hard and sometimes when she crouches he can tell her back hurts. He also signed it "your boy who loves you."   Oh my! Melt my heart.

I am so very thankful for these children that God has placed in our lives. They have blessed us so very much.  I have a few more to share but will wait til next time!

Have you received any letters lately?

Change the life of a child...  sponsor a child today!
Grace~ Teena

1 comment:

  1. Awesome story! Will share with my kids! Hoping to spark an interest in them to sponsor & write!!! Thanks for sharing! Love ya! Laurie
