Monday, April 15, 2013

Will You help me?

My daughter shared about feeding the homeless. Would you take a minute and hop over there and read and leave a comment. She often checks and sees that lots have read but no one comments. That isn't her focus as you will see in the post but just wanted to ask so that you can help me to encourage her to keep writing.

Crazy about Compassion: ~Picture to the Stories~: For years I had heard about poverty. For years I have hugged the necks of people who live or have lived in poverty. I have tried to release ...

Lysa & Maureen (Jan. 2013) her Kenyan sister!

Change a life... sponsor a child today!


  1. oops, I thought I had. Heading over right now!!!! such a great post too :)

  2. Thanks, Lizzie! :)
