Sunday, September 04, 2011

As I think about all of you...

I sit here....  alone... as everyone sleeps. It is quiet. Thinking about this place...  and how God continues to grow me and stretch me. 

So many of you have influenced me so very much over the past few years.  As I think about it...  I can see where God has connected the dots.  It's so cool to me how He does that over and over and over....

In this cyberspace place...  where we visit with our computer screens and talk with our fingers.... most of you I have not met face to face but I still call you friends.
As I started reading over at Ann's place... and counting my gifts. As she spoke words into my life and I started seeing things from a gratitude/thankful perspective...  I started changing from the inside out.

As my oldest daughter flew to the other side of the world.... and Kristen helped me connect the dots so that Compassion graduate and Mercy House exc. director, Maureen Owino could meet her. How Mandi spent 3 wks with Maureen and now Maureen speaks volumes into my life...  showing me gratitude/thankfulness even from a third world country...  where she grew up in the slums.

As Jill & Michelle shared their stories about the children from all over the world that they love so much... and my heart filled....   as I wanted to do more...

So many of you have encouraged, helped, prayed and loved me. I am so thankful... even though we haven't met face to face.. I hope to one day.  If not here on earth then in heaven. Even though we haven't met face to face...  you are my dear friends and I love you.


I blogged this a few days ago. It is no longer quiet...  things are pretty LOUD. Its been a difficult few days. Trying to keep things real....   but also wise in my words. Please pray for us. We are readjusting to husband being home. It has been a wonderful time of relaxing. We just enjoyed quiet days & nights. Lots of good memories made with my kids. Talking late at night with my older kids. Things are a lot more high stressed when huband is home. His grace is enough. I am so thankful for His mercy and grace~

Grace~ Teena
Change the world... one child at a time


  1. I am thankful for YOU, too! Praying for you as you adjust to the new normal.

    We are jumping into school this week...I'm not sure I'm ready for it, but then again, I'm not sure I'll ever be so we might as well jump in!

  2. Praying for you. For the unspoken, between the lines, words that I know are heavy in your heart.

  3. Praying for you Teena. I love your blog too, and your sweet words!

