After Memphis we drove towards Nashville. We had never been to Nashville and we were not sure if we would go all the way to Nashville or just go to Chattanooga before heading home. We listened to lots of Elvis and Johnny Cash..... and lots of Elton John. We sang along and laughed.... the boys played cards.... I taught them how to play rummy. Told them about their grandparents playing every Friday night with my aunt & uncle.
As we grew closer to Nashville.... I decided.... well, if we are this close we might as well stop by. We weren't planning to spend the night there... so we would drive to Chattanooga after Nashville. It was ONLY 134 miles from Nashville to Chattanooga.... so why not?
It was almost sunset when we arrived in Nashville and it was Memorial Day.... so we just looked around.
It was so neat walking around the Grand 'Ole Opry. We went into the gift shop and bought sovenirs.
I remember we drove up on the Stanley Cup. We didn't know that Nashville was in the Stanley Cup finals!
After a couple hours.... we headed South.... to Chattanooga, TN!
On Tuesday morning we went to Rock City. Billy, me, Michael, Mandi, Dakota, Lysa and Wyatt went in 2002.... before Wes was born and Wyatt was only 8 months and Lysa was 5. So, they were excited1
The weather was perfect and it was so peaceful and not too busy. We loved it.
We spent most of the day there and headed home around 3. We would stop near Atlanta and eat, take a break and not be in rush hour traffic.
When we pulled into our drive way we had driven 1709.2 miles in 5 days! So very much fun, tiring and more fun! It was quick and we probably shouldn't taken another day.... but, schedules were busy and this is the time we had.
All the red dots are where we stopped or started. Isn't that cool?
So.... tips on road tripping'~ we had snacks, drinks in a cooler and pbj. We would eat the continental breakfast at the hotels... we would stop and make sandwiches. We ate at the graduation on Friday night and at Mandi's on Saturday night. So our first meal that cost was on Sunday in Memphis! We love to save and not spend frivolously..... our food cost was under $100 for the 5 days... for 4 of us. My car gets very good gas mileage so when we figured the cost of gas... it was $150. Our biggest expense were the hotels. But.... I hesitate to share.... my kids help. Lysa treated us to one night, the boys helped with another night and I treated to two nights.
It was a dream come true. I encourage you to "just do it!" Time flies..... and you will not regret making memories with them! I am so very thankful I just did it. They are a little older so I know this would be hard or not possible with littles.
Thank you for letting me share. This is a memory I will cherish in my heart forever.
I love that you did this - we travel quite a bit as a family, but it will be fun to just jump in the car with the girls some day and see where we end up!